Periodically, the application writes out the positions and velocities of all the atoms under simulation ( part of this stream of information was used to produce the synthetic video mentioned above). 应用程序会定期记录模拟中的所有原子的位置和速度(此信息的一部分用于生成上面提到的合成视频)。
The subscription queries provide relevant event information over the ESB, and they allow the usage of the ESB adapters to integrate this new stream off information with existing legacy systems. 预订查询通过ESB提供相关的事件信息,允许使用ESB适配器把这种新的信息流集成到现有的遗留系统中。
Imagine, for example, a self-driving car that relied on a steady but constant stream of information beamed via the internet to operate. 比如,我们可以想象一辆自动驾驶汽车,依靠互联网发送的持续、稳定的信息流来运行。
The stream of information and knowledge has been interrupted, and people are floundering to find footing. 信息和知识流已经被中断,人们挣扎着寻找立足点。
Extract a stream of textual information from a document, and discard all nontextual and formatting information. 从文档中提取文本化信息流,并舍弃所有非文本化信息和格式化信息。
Stream formats contain information a player needs to decode a stream, including codecs, bit rates, and frame sizes. 流格式包含播放机解码流所需的信息,包括:编解码器、比特率以及帧大小。
Are you constantly reading and answering messages, checking on the news and the latest stream of information? 是否一直在收发信息,收看新闻,获取最新讯息?
Taking the Office System of Changzhi Scientific and Technological Committee as an example, this paper puts forward a mode of working stream management of information system. 文章以长治市科委办公系统为例,提出了工作流式管理信息系统模式。
For what Jay Rosen, a professor at New York University, calls the attentive consumer, the ability to tap into a broader stream of raw information, is a boon. 对于纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)教授杰罗森(JayRosen)所称的专心消费者而言,能够接触到更广泛原始信息是件幸事。
Error correction codes are a means of including redundancy in a stream of information bits to allow the detection and correction of symbol errors during signal's transmission through the channel. 纠错码利用往信息比特流中添加冗余信息这一手段,使信息序列在信道传输的过程中发生的误码能够被检测和纠正。
Now the stream media information encryption technologies based on the video transference include nothing but information encryption, information hiding, information camouflage and secret carrying, digital right management etc, among which the digital watermark is one of the hot topics. 目前基于视频传输的流式媒体信息加密技术一般无外乎信息加密、信息隐藏、信息伪装夹带及内容数字版权加密保护等.其中数字水印技术是研究热点之一。
A Study on the Exploitation Method of "Click Stream" Information Resource 点击流信息资源开发方法研究
A method of using the tidal stream information is presented in this paper. 提出了一种潮流信息利用的方法。
A Study on the Exploitation and Utilization of Click Stream Information Resource: Personalized Recommendation in Electronic Commerce Based on Ontology 基于本体的电子商务个性化推荐的点击流信息资源开发利用研究
To ensure the fluency of the supply chain's material stream and information stream, it is necessary to study on share of information mechanism and coordination mechanism. 跨流域调水工程供应链主要是通过建立信息共享机制及良好的协调机制达到供应链物流与信息流的畅通。
Realization of Working Stream Management of Information System 实现工作流式管理信息系统
A study on the method of calculating navigation time based on tidal stream information 基于潮流信息的航行时间计算方法的研究
Governmental sector is still the main GIS market in the coming future. With it's going into the main stream of information technology, GIS integrated with other IT technologies, many new application areas come forth, which provides a new chance for the industry. 认为政府部门仍是我国GIS产业的主要对象,GIS正在融入IT的主流,GIS与其他IT技术分支结合,产生大量新兴的应用,给我国GIS产业带来了新的机遇。
This paper points out that we can systematize the teaching management, and proves that the key is building a run model to ensure the stream of teaching information runing efficiently and promote the control of teaching process. 教学常规管理工作可以系统化,关键在于构建其系统运行模式和机制,保证教学信息流畅通有效,加强教学过程控制。
Finally, the paper points out that in order to follow the stream of medical information, it is necessary to study and master the key technologies of PACS. It should to study and establish the standard for communication and store of medical image. 最后指出,为了跟上国际医学信息技术的发展潮流,必须要研究和掌握PACS的关键技术,特别是应尽快地研究和制定医学影象的通信和存储标准。
To solve the problem, the thesis used a method based on Activity/ Resource/ Time model to building enterprise process model. So the enterprise control stream, material stream and information stream could be integrated effectively. 针对该问题,本文采用基于活动/资源/时间图模型建立企业过程模型,从而将企业的活动串联起来,使得企业的控制流、物料流和信息流能够得到有效集成。
This article creates stream information layer in stripping file process after analyzing the character of MPEG-4 standard file. 通过分析MPEG-4标准媒体格式的特点,论文在分片过程中生成了流信息描述层,方便了服务器进行流量控制。
Experimental Study of Different Parameters on Chaotic Stream Ciphers for Information Encryption 信息加密的混沌流密码受参数变化影响的实验研究
A new stream packet method with stream description is brought forward in this dissertation by linking with the Bit Length Quad-tree Not List Embedded Zero Block Coding and Context Modeling algorithm. The encoder produces the stream description information in advance in the coding process. 本文结合基于位长四叉树和上下文模型的嵌入零块编码算法提出了一种带描述的流打包方法。
The online part acquires data stream information by means of even grid dividing data space while offline part carries out clustering analysis on the information obtained online through dividing the grid space into uneven grid and the minimum spanning tree technique. 在线部分通过均匀网格划分数据空间以获取数据流的信息,离线部分将网格空间拆分为不均匀的网格结构,并利用最小生成树技术对在线获得的信息进行聚类。
There are a variety of credit relationships or credit transactions among financial institutions, enterprises and Technological SMEs on today which emerge an endless stream of information technology. 在信息技术层出不穷的今天,银行及其他金融机构、企业等与科技型中小企业存在各种各样的信贷关系或信用交易。
Large international airport is the node and base of the aviation transportation network, concentrating a great deal of people stream, material stream, capital stream and information stream. 大型国际机场是航空运输网络的节点和基地,汇聚了大量的人流、物流、资金流和信息流。
This algorithm directly embeds the binary stream of text information as a watermark into digital products which have plenty of watermark capacity. 该算法直接将文本信息的二进制码流作为水印信息嵌入到数字产品当中,具有很大的水印容量空间。
The CFP-tree, which is capable of promptly capturing newly added data stream information, does not need to fix the size of sliding windows. CFP-tree无需固定滑动窗口尺寸大小,在任意滑动窗口尺寸大小的情况下及时捕获新增数据流信息。
Use clustering algorithm to obtain the cluster analysis of data, according to the botnet data similar characteristics with time and space, from the data stream information to identify bots. 利用聚类算法对获取的数据进行聚类分析,根据僵尸网络数据具有时空相似性的特点,从数据流信息中找出僵尸主机。